One morning I was looking out on the deck and noticed a bird that would come and take a rest on the deck with straw in its mouth. I figured he must be building a nest and then I noticed that the bird was indeed building a next as he worked to stuff himself and his mouth full of straw into the side of the grill. After working up courage (I was having flashes of Hitchcock's Birds) I used the broom handle to pop open the grill and this is what I found. The birds were mad (there were at least three that were bothered by this) and later that night Ryan and I decided to burn the nest. They haven't been back since.
A friend of ours encouraged me to get a tennis racket for Audrey as she has one for her little girl. So I finally got around to getting a racket and our rackets were brought up from Florida. I know that Nathan isn't interested in sports and I never push him to become interested. But, we wanted to get Audrey on the court so we asked Nathan to bring along a book and sit with Elysse as we worked with Audrey. Well, guess who said that he would like to give it a try? Nathan is very good at hitting the ball. He gets very proud of himself for hitting the ball and he really enjoys it. We are thrilled! We have played three times in the past week and he expects to go out again on Saturday.
.......and a wonderful dinner it was. We all enjoyed it! So glad that both kids now have an activity that will get them outdoors and running around. Better watch out, you're becoming a Holly Homemaker!! :)
I keep saying I am going to go pick strawberries and make some freezer jam...You have inspired me to do it!!!
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