Remember that song from when you were younger? I have always wondered which set of friends were silver and which were gold. I guess it doesn't matter. Perhaps that is the point, both are precious.
Good thing I kept one old friend - Megan (from Venice) because she led to a new friend - Erin (here in Naples). It just so happens that they are sisters and now I have them both! I have already made some great friends here in Naples.
It is such a blessing to have friends. What I have also come to discover is your children making friends brings the same joy. Yesterday I received a text message from Mandi, a new friend from here. She has four children - Austin 8, Logan 6, Madelyn 4, Oliver 1. Nathan is so happy to have friends. He loves both Austin and Logan. He can't get over just how much they have in common. The text message said, "Austin just told me that Sunday and Tuesday are his favorite days of the week. I asked him why. He said because I get to see Nathan! He sure loves him! I am so glad they are such great friends...and the best part of all is I get a great friend out of it too! Thanks for being such a great friend!"
I have probably posted my theory on friends before but I think I have one of life's mysteries figured out so I will share again - the greatest friends are those that are as excited to see you as you are them and you openly tell them that. This past week Erin said to me, "you are the closest thing I have had to a best friend since I was a kid." See how that works? We like each other, we like spending time together and then we tell one another. Oh, and the other secret - if you haven't seen one another in a long time and you are able to pick up right where you left off then it is confirmed you have a true gem of a friend.